Freedom Expression

Which Direction Are We Going?

Posted in India, Mumbai, Women Issues by Tall Guy on November 20, 2011

Had read about this news about the Amboli killings and the reactions that it draw and only one thing comes to my mind is it going to remain fresh on the minds of the people later or is it going to be one of those incidents where the general public will voice their opinions/reactions but as the day passes it becomes a forgotten memory.

Has anybody given a thought about how to prevent such incidents to prevent in future or what steps need to be taken if one found themselves in such a situation?

I don’t think creating a facebook page or signing petitions are going to help. For such incidents we need to be practical and need to provide solutions which a person can use in case they find themselves in such position.

Merely going gaga over the episode is not going help only to be forgotten later. What happened to the Ruchika case, nobody remembers cause its not in news any more. That’s the sad part of our society.

If we want real changes to happen, we need to make them happen…………